
Accelerate innovation in medical devices by “Moore for Medical”

Accelerate innovation in medical devices by “Moore for Medical”

01/06/2020 – 31/05/2023

Funding: EU / ECSEL JU and Business Finland

€66M total, €1.7M University of Turku

Moore4Medical will accelerate innovation in electronic medical devices. The project addresses emerging applications and technologies that offer exciting new opportunities for the Electronic Components and Systems (ECS) industry. Moore4Medical will focus on the development of open and enabling technology platforms for these emerging fields to help them bridge “the Valley of Death” in shorter time and at lower cost. With value and IP moving from the technology level towards applications and solutions, defragmentation and open technology platforms will be key in acquiring and maintaining European leadership in the forefront of affordable healthcare.

In Moore4Medical, a new cost-effective and user-friendly platform for long-term at-home monitoring and follow-up of users will be developed. The platform will feature artificial
intelligence and machine-learning-based algorithms. The developed solutions will be clinically tested and validated during the Moore4Medical project, and be thus ready for commercial
exploitation in late 2023. Moore4Medical approaches Remote Cardiac Monitoring (RCM) via two complementary approaches: (a) measuring the motion of the bed upon which the person is resting and (b) measuring chest motion via remote sensing.